smoking (which never, ever goes out of style no matter what they say) is suddenly de rigueur online.
how can you tell?
i was invited to join the smokers group on flickr all because i snapped a photo of sweet, young eddie outside the metreon when we went to see kung fu hustle.
observing _______ (fill in the blank) go from a tiny mention into a full-blown flickr trend is adorable!
today, smoking. tomorrow, gold teeth?
ugh, can't NOT mention that: observation cuts like a double-edged sword
after five years attempting to be a "non-intrusive observer" of events (when i worked as a reporter), trust me when i say this:
observation changes the result
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle at work.
(That should be a t-shirt slogan, shouldn't it?)
Posted by: richard | May 20, 2005 at 10:38 AM
ditto - is shroedinger's cat alive or dead?
the photon of light that bounces off the subject changes it in such a way that you cannot know the original state of the subject. well, at least in quantum mechanics.
Posted by: scott | May 26, 2005 at 07:45 PM